Are You An Ugly Duckling Leader?

The Story of the Ugly Duckling

There once was an ugly duckling. She knew she was an ugly duckling because everyone said so. ‘Too big!’, they quacked. ‘Too much. Too different.’ She was teased, laughed at, and bit.

There once was an ugly duckling...

Ugly duckling leaders are often overlooked for leadership because they don’t fit a one-size-fits-all image or idea of leadership.

One day, the ugly duckling hears a sound from above. She looks up and sees a formation of elegant swans flying overhead. Their beauty and movements make a lasting impact on her. If only she could be like them.

If only she could be like them…

Ugly duckling leaders usually identify with and exhibit the role model behaviors of other leaders and high-performers

The ugly duckling runs away, going from place to place seeking shelter, but each time she is chased out. Tired and bruised from ill treatment, she spies a flock of the strange and elegant creatures floating on a lake. She thinks to herself, well, at least if I'm going to be beat up, I'd rather be beat up by someone I admire, and decides to throw herself at their mercy.

The ugly duckling goes from place to place seeking shelter…

Ugly duckling leaders may try switching roles, teams or organizations in search of a better cultural fit.

To her surprise, The elegant swans don't attack her. Instead, they embrace her as one of their own.

They embrace her as one of their own…

It make take some time, but once the ugly leading finds their ‘flock’, they grow in confidence, visibility and influence.

What is an ugly duckling leader?

Ugly duckling leaders are those leaders who are often overlooked for leadership because they don’t fit the typical leadership mold, but they’re also high-performers who demonstrate leadership ability.

Ugly duckling leaders often come from historically marginalized groups, such as: BIPOC, LGTBQ, and neurodivergent communities.

Keep reading to find out if you have any or all of the 3 contrasting traits of Ugly Duckling Leaders.

kisha solomon

Kisha Solomon is the founder of The Good Woman School. A writer, traveler and thinker, Kisha has made a career as a strategic advisor to corporate executives and small business owners. Her ‘big why’ includes elevating the status of black women and people of color around the world. 

Visit her personal blog at:

A Beginner's Guide to Defining Strategic OKRs


5 elements: hip hop, vogue & storytelling