struggling to Tell your story?

Your story is the one thing that will attract your ‘right fit’ clients, team members and supporters and keep you from wasting efforts on mis-aligned relationships and opportunities.

Your story is what sets you apart in a crowded field of peers and competitors.

So why do so many organizations struggle to tell their story? And how can yours not be one of them?

By understanding and addressing these common storytelling struggles.

Storytelling Struggle #1

You don’t think you have a story or you don’t know which story to tell.

SOLUTION #1: focus on change stories

The most compelling stories are stories of change and transformation. Sharing the journey from before to after keeps your audience engaged and allows them to see themselves in your story. Change stories can include:

  • Your signature story

  • Your customer or client stories (aka, ‘impact stories’)

  • Your team or project story

  • Your leadership story

  • Your strategic story

Storytelling Struggle #2

You don’t know how to build or improve your storytelling skills

Solution #2: Identify A Storytelling Method & Define Storytelling Moments

A simple method for telling change stories will help you and your team consistently deliver compelling stories. When you adopt a storytelling method and define the key moments when storytelling is expected, you will:

  • Create more consistent and more compelling stories

  • Build your team’s storytelling skills and confidence through regular practice

  • Reduce reliance on external storytelling contractors & agencies

  • Help your team members become more change- and transformation- focused

Storytelling Struggle #3

You treat storytelling as an isolated event versus an ongoing process or discipline

SOLUTION #3: establish a storytelling operating rhythm & Systems

Create storytelling rituals at the individual, team and organization level that integrate your key storytelling moments into your team objectives and project milestones. Select and use digital tools that allow you to capture and re-use story elements in your marketing and strategic planning. Having a storytelling-centered operating rhythm will:

  • Create a storytelling culture within your organization

  • Establish storytelling as a team habit and a leadership discipline

  • Produce more consistent data and information related on strategic objectives and projects

  • Make storytelling a strategic advantage for your organization

Don’t know what story to tell or how to tell it? Learn a simple method for telling compelling impact stories. Create a draft of your own signature story. Download Now.

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